Installing Fedora 1.30 rpm on Centos 7

probably you broke it with that, audit updates js dependencies.
delete node_modules, reset package.json and package-lock.json and try again this time without npm audit


You are great! It really worked that way - by just ignoring the warnings and not using the npm audit thing.
I could create a deb file now and the application works. Thanks very much!


@Lucas.Sichardt wow! that is great!!! thanks to Simon and also to you for not giving up!

I guess the thread could be marked as solved, please mark the reply that you think will help other people coming here with the same issue or post a new reply yourself with some summary of what needed to be done, that would be great!

Yes, your are right.

So I try to describe what acutally worked for me to get Deltachat runing on an old system with outdated repositories. With Simon’s help I managed to build the application on my system doing the following:

Installing rustup:
See and follow instructions here

Make sure that curl and unzip are installed by e.g. running
man curl
man unzip

Installing fnm:
curl -fsSL | bash

fnm install

Then you will download the Deltachat source to follow the above instructions for building it yourself (see 4th post in this thread):
git clone

Go into the downloaded source directory:
cd deltachat-desktop

Then trying to build the Deltachat:
npm install --build-from-source

This will perhaps (in my case) not work and bring up errors about the glibc version.
This can be solved by the following:
List available fnm versions by
fnm list-remote

Choose one of the older versions (perhaps the ones with codenames are a good choice as major versions) and install it:
fnm install v16.19.0
(The needed version number may vary from system to system! It’s trial and error!)

Then tell your shell (terminal window) to use that version:
fnm use v16.19.0

Try again to run
npm install --build-from-source

If it brings the glibc error again, try an older fnm version.
If it works - great!

If you get an error about the python version (as in my case) install another python version as an alternate version:
Make sure, the dependencies are installed (libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev libgdbm-dev libdb5.3-dev libbz2-dev libexpat1-dev liblzma-dev tk-dev libffi-dev uuid-dev) or install them e.g. by
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev libgdbm-dev libdb5.3-dev libbz2-dev libexpat1-dev liblzma-dev tk-dev libffi-dev uuid-dev

(on most Debian/Ubuntu based systems as in my case)

Then download the needed python version (at least 3.6) from (I preferred the GZip file) and unpack the file somewhere. Open a terminal inside the unpacked python folder and run
sudo make altinstall

MAKE SURE TO USE ALTINSTALL INSTEAD OF INSTALL! Otherwhise you could damage your system by overwriting the python version your system relies on!

Now you can go back and try the Detalchat build command like this in a Terminal inside the unpacked deltachat-desktop folder (see above):
npm install --build-from-source --python=“python3.6”

This took a while but worked for me.
Afterwards you can try if Deltachat can be executed:
npm run dev --python=“python3.6”

If it works you can package the application with
npx electron-builder --config ./electron-builder.json5 --linux deb

(you can replace --linux deb by --linux rpm for Redhat/Suse/etc. based systems)

The resulting package can be found in a subfolder: deltachat-desktop/dist
The package can then be installed with the normal package manager (apt - or Synaptic or whatever).

I hope this helps someone and I hope I ave reconstructed my little journey well.

Thanks again, Simon!