Normally DC should just keep one socket connection open and do an IMAP IDLE (server responds on new messages, so there is no polling AFAIK). So I guess you either have a bug or this is would only be useful once we implement pop3 support.
Same as above it should be automatic, but a manual refresh / reconnect button could be useful. (because we had problems where the imap idle was stuck/dead after standby or network failure)
We already had such proposals, point is that your messages and config are stored locally inside of the accounts db. We plan to encrypt the local db in the future, unless it’s encrypted it makes not much sense to password protect it.
I’m not sure what you mean with “a button to change settings” .
Importing external/existing keys of contacts, creating a new key while keeping the old key for decryption and so on are definitely things we should do IMO.
Is it not created again automatically when needed? (if not I would declare that as bug and suggest filing it on Issues · deltachat/deltachat-core-rust · GitHub)
For the future: Please don’t do a multiple Feature Proposals in one. Just create a Feature Proposal for each Topic after checking that it doesn’t already exist.
And if it already exists, feel free to add your opinion to it.