Thanks for the links. I did a little bit of searching before posting, but didn’t see those. Regarding email subjects and group management messages, I’ll see if I can contribute to the conversation on other more specific threads.
However this is probably a better place to talk about the root issue: There seems to be an ongoing discussion about whether DC should be exclusively an instant messenger that uses IMAP / SMTP / Autocrypt as protocols, or if it should attempt to interoperate well with traditional email.
From a developer’s perspective, I understand wanting to keep it simple and just build for Delta Chat users. However from a user’s perspective, if I’m going to pick an ecosystem where everyone has to have the same app, I’ll pick the one that all my friends are using already. The key advantage of Delta Chat is the promise of interoperability with something that everyone already has: email.
I love that it’s FOSS, decentralized, private, and secure. But normal users tend not to care about such things as much as I do. What they care about is how difficult it will be to send instant messages with a reasonable level of privacy, and how many people I’ll have to convince to switch to my new favorite app.
If you have a magical way that to include a subject line without disrupting user experience I’d like to hear about it.
I do have an idea, and it’s less magical than you might think (at least user-interface-wise). But I’ll put it on the Subject of emails thread.