Account selector on Avatar on Chat List

Why and what?

When using multiple accounts the user needs a quick way to switch accounts and see if there are notifications / unread messages for the other accounts.

The quick switcher should have the button to add an account, but maybe not one for removing one, to avoid accidental account deletion: you just want to quickly switch chat, press on remove accidentally then “dismiss” (in reality confirm so it goes away) the dialog and your account is lost.

This is related to having notifications for all accounts, switching the account automatically on the fly when clicking a notification for an account that is not the selected one.

Current state


Android has an avatar in the chatlist that is a button to switch the account. It opens a dialog that shows all accounts and also unread badges.

So things android misses:

  • Combined unread badge on avatar indicating the combined unreads of the other accounts
  • android has a remove button in the quick switch menu
    • we could make the dialog harder (for example: type the email address to continue)
    • or we could find another place for removing the account, maybe in the settings?


iOS has an account switcher, but it’s not as good looking as on android, also no avatar nor unread yet.

I started a draft pr WIP add quick switch account avatar button to chatlist header by Simon-Laux · Pull Request #1687 · deltachat/deltachat-ios · GitHub

Whats missing:

  • Combined unread badge on avatar indicating the combined unreads of the other accounts (WIP)
  • good looking account switcher menu with profile pictures/avatars and unread counter

Screen design/concept sketch

Reference material

Telegram on iOS, they show this quick switch context menu.

Safari on iOS has a menu that we could also replicate, using it would solve the “making it harder to delete account by accident” issue":


Hello :wave:,
this is a feature I’m particularly looking forward to.
I’ve been thinking about what the account selector could look like.
So I made some mockup screenshots.
The pictures show the selector and how to delete an account in it.
I guess that way accidental deletion is not possible.
Meanwhile I think the search function and the possibility to change the order of the accounts are unnecessary because most people only have a handful accounts anyway.
In my opinion the delete dialog is too small. I haven’t come up with a better design yet.
The green dot is an indicator for the currently active account.
The number in the red dot represents the number of new messages in that email account.


Hello everyone.
What should not be missing is a way to temporarily deactivate an account. For example, the work account during the holiday.
It could be an on-off switch. At the first Screeshot of Raiden would be a logical arrangement.

Frank :wave: