in general, Delta Chat works with Anbox in the Linux Desktop.
We had the following Anbox installation instructions in en/help on our homepage:
Delta Chat on Linux Desktop
- You can run Delta Chat on Ubuntu Linux desktop (or other linux distributions supporting the snap → package format) by simply installing Anbox (Android in a Box) from terminal:
$ sudo snap install --classic anbox-installer && anbox-installer
- To add the Delta Chat application, download the com.b44t.messenger_<version>.apk file from [this]
(download) page and install it from terminal:$ adb install path/to/com.b44t.messenger_<version>.apk
adb is the Android Debug Bridge and can be installed from repository.
- Instead of installing Delta Chat directly via APK file, you can first install the F-Droid store via F-Droid-APK and then install Delta Chat using the store. The great benefit is the information about updates and the migration of existing config and chat data.
However, these instructions are reported to being out-of-date due to a deprecated anbox-installer, so, for now, we’ve moved them from the help page here (maybe this is also the better place at all).
I did not find the time to figure this out on my own - so if anyone has more recent information about Anbox and Delta Chat, please let the other users know