Android Widget to directly access a contact's conversation

I would like to suggest the addition of a Android widget that allows one to directly access a contact’s conversation from the Android homescreen. This way it’s possible to quickly talk to a contact without navigating through the app. As I have only very few contact I talk to through delta chat, I could accelerate things a bit this way :slight_smile:
You only spare one or two taps, but out of three that a lot.

This is already exactly implemented in the XMPP Conversations android app.
(iNPUTmice/Conversations: Conversations is an open source XMPP/Jabber client for Android -
I reckon quite a bit is reusable from that implementation.

Thanks for listening.

adding shortcuts to dedicated chats to the homesscreen is already possible for recent chats with somehow recent androids :tada:

  • long tap the “Delta Chat” icon, you see the most recent chats there
  • drag the desired chat to the homescreen

by the way, on iOS, there is a similar option using “Add to Widget” from the chat’s profile

i directly created a little tip on our favourite social media for that: bjoern: "💡did you know ... you can have recent #deltachat …" - Mastodon

Fantastic! I did not know that you could pull things out of that contextual menu in Android.
To go further: would that be possible to have the keyboard to pull up upon following one of those shortcut? This would spare one other tap :slight_smile:

hm, not sure if going for a different keyboard behaviour than when opening the chat normally would improve overall UX.

one may as well have a chat on the homescreen that is a larger group that one mainly reads.

often it is better UX wise to have predictable behaviors. if one always writes in a chat, the second tap usually goes to the finger memory and one does not even think about that :slight_smile:

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That’s a fair point :slight_smile:

What about a toggle setting that changes this for all chats? Like “Pullup
keyboard upon opening chat” under Settings → Chats and Media, which
would be by default set to false?

usually, we avoid settings and upfront questions wherever we can.

we are always trying hard to remove them, and are adding switches only when we see a really huge impact for lots of users. reason is to have a clear, uncluttered UI, few modes and paths, for all of, user, support and devs.

i know, other apps do that differently, and have tons of switches - but this is not our mode.

so, i do not see that in this case. also, compared to the level of detail we otherwise have customisable in the app, i do not think such a switch will make it.

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Yes I can see that. Thanks for taking the time to answer.

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