Hello everyone.
I’m using DeltaChat for a while now and what I’m missing is a comparable feature for position sharing. I know and used the built in function. But the downside is, that the position is only transmitted when I send a message. Its clear that the app can’t send emails at a high frequency to send a live position. So my attempt would be to have a bot which reacts on a keyword, say #where_are_you or something. Then the bot needs to get the position and reply with the already position sharing enabled and the GPS-coordinates as message text.
This means the bot has to act a bit different from examples I found so far. It has to run on the phone (Android for me) and don’t be hit by any energy optimization. Also it has to use my Account and no own. Because the Contact who is asking me will send the message to me.
Can you give me the direction to start this project? Is it the right way to do or would it be an option to do this as a addon for the messenger app? If so, how could I do this?
I’ve used python for some things. So this would be the tool of my choice but I don’t fear other languages. A big obstacle is that I’ve no experiences how to bring python on my phone. I’ve found a few Interpreters in the Appstore but don’t know which one to choose.
Because this phone is my only one I don’t want to experiment too extensively. First I would like to know if this is the right attempt to get the feature.
Thanks for replying.