Hi there must be a bug in deltachat, when i send almost any video the receiving side (at least the ones not using deltachat are getting it 10 or 20 times into their inbox)
where are the videos transcoded anyway?
in a backround process on my phone? on some server?
is there a way of sending the original video without transcoding?
thanks a lot for the advice
ver 0.510.1 from f-droid
Debug logs
device=Sony F5321 (F5321) android=8.0.0 (1631208121, 34.4.A.2.118) sdk=26 memory=16M (70.86% free, 512M max) memoryClass=192 host=BuildHost applicationId=com.b44t.messenger app=Delta Chat 0.510.1-fat installer=com.google.android.packageinstaller ignoreBatteryOptimizations=true deltachat_core_version=v0.45.0 sqlite_version=3.26.0 sqlite_thread_safe=1 libetpan_version=1.8 openssl_version=1.0.1t rpgp_enabled=0 compile_date=Jul 10 2019, 20:25:55 arch=32 number_of_chats=74 number_of_chat_messages=6130 messages_in_contact_requests=0 number_of_contacts=888 database_dir=/data/user/0/com.b44t.messenger/files/messenger.db database_version=55 blobdir=/data/user/0/com.b44t.messenger/files/messenger.db-blobs display_name=petka is_configured=1 [entered_account_settings=XXXX@posteo.de](mailto:entered_account_settings=XXXX@posteo.de) 0:***:posteo.de:0 0:0:posteo.de:0 IMAP_STARTTLS SMTP_STARTTLS [used_account_settings=XXXXXX@posteo.de](mailto:used_account_settings=XXXXXXX@posteo.de) [XXXXXXXX@posteo.de:***:posteo.de:143](mailto:XXXXXXXXXX@posteo.de:***:posteo.de:143) [XXXXXXXXXXX@posteo.de:***:posteo.de:587](mailto:XXXXX@posteo.de:***:posteo.de:587) AUTH_NORMAL IMAP_STARTTLS SMTP_STARTTLS inbox_watch=1 sentbox_watch=1 mvbox_watch=1 mvbox_move=1 folders_configured=3 configured_sentbox_folder=Sent configured_mvbox_folder=DeltaChat show_emails=0 mdns_enabled=1 e2ee_enabled=0 private_key_count=1 public_key_count=21 fingerprint=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
12-12 21:08:08.702 7513 7533 I DeltaChat: SENTBOX-fetch done in 51 ms.
12-12 21:08:08.703 7513 7533 I DeltaChat: SENTBOX-IDLE started...
12-12 21:08:10.002 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-idle ended.
12-12 21:08:10.004 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-jobs started...
12-12 21:08:10.005 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-job #206343, action 5005 started...
12-12 21:08:10.005 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: ----------------- MAYBE_SEND_LOCATIONS --------------
12-12 21:08:10.030 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: Interrupting SMTP-idle...
12-12 21:08:10.045 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-jobs ended.
12-12 21:08:10.047 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-idle started...
12-12 21:08:10.047 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-idle will not be started because of waiting jobs.
12-12 21:08:10.047 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-idle ended.
12-12 21:08:10.048 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-jobs started...
12-12 21:08:10.049 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-jobs ended.
12-12 21:08:10.050 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-idle started...
12-12 21:08:10.051 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-idle ended.
12-12 21:08:10.052 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-jobs started...
12-12 21:08:10.053 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-jobs ended.
12-12 21:08:10.054 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-idle started...
12-12 21:09:11.000 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-idle ended.
12-12 21:09:11.001 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-jobs started...
12-12 21:09:11.002 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-job #206347, action 5005 started...
12-12 21:09:11.002 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: ----------------- MAYBE_SEND_LOCATIONS --------------
12-12 21:09:11.018 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: Interrupting SMTP-idle...
12-12 21:09:11.030 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-jobs ended.
12-12 21:09:11.031 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-idle started...
12-12 21:09:11.031 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-idle will not be started because of waiting jobs.
12-12 21:09:11.031 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-idle ended.
12-12 21:09:11.032 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-jobs started...
12-12 21:09:11.033 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-jobs ended.
12-12 21:09:11.034 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-idle started...
12-12 21:09:11.034 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-idle ended.
12-12 21:09:11.035 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-jobs started...
12-12 21:09:11.036 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-jobs ended.
12-12 21:09:11.037 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-idle started...
12-12 21:09:12.747 7513 9096 I DeltaChat: Interrupting SMTP-idle...
12-12 21:09:12.748 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-idle ended.
12-12 21:09:12.748 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-jobs started...
12-12 21:09:12.749 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-job #206349, action 5901 started...
12-12 21:09:12.750 7513 7534 W DeltaChat: SMTP failed to start message: Stream error:
12-12 21:09:15.307 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-server posteo.de:587 STARTTLS-connected.
12-12 21:09:16.277 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-jobs ended.
12-12 21:09:16.278 7513 7534 I DeltaChat: SMTP-idle started...
12-12 21:09:17.864 7513 7531 I DeltaChat: IMAP-IDLE has data.
12-12 21:09:17.864 7513 7531 I DeltaChat: INBOX-IDLE ended.
there are no delta chat servers, videos are transcoded on the local device.
transcoding is needed as a video is typically much larger than the available space in an email - normally, it is done only on first sending, not on forwarding, however, even on forwarding you’ll get a copy yourself.
wrt the multiple sending: iirc, this bug is fixed meanwhile, we will release a new android version soon, so stay tuned
thanks a lot, great to hear a fix is coming soon! great program! i think it would be an advantage to be able to attach a video without transcoding when adding it as attachment not directly recording from deltachat, perhaps as an advanced option it would be great. but i understand you might have more urgent stuff to take care of. Peter