Cannot login as "XXX@XXX". Please check if the email address and the password are correct

Delta Chat version

1.12.0 (Linux Desktop) / 1.12.5 (Android)

Expected behavior

It should be asked whether the new certificate should be accepted!

Actual behavior

Message: Cannot login as “XXX@XXX”. Please check if the email address and the password are correct.

But no way to check/update email address, password or certificate. :frowning:

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Configure account and use it.
  2. Change TLS certificate at the mail server.
  3. Try to use the account again.

I’ve create a bug issue for this.


Delta Chat does not store TLS certificate fingerprints, so it does not care if you have changed it or not. In Automatic mode, it validates certificates for known servers from provider database, and accepts self-signed certificates for other providers. If you did not enable Strict certificate checks in advanced settings, it should accept any correctly generated certificate.

This message means that TLS connection has succeeded, but authentication failed. If you want to change the password, you can do so in the connection settings and run the configuration process again.

To avoid a double discussion, please continue with the topic in!