Chatmail: IMAP METADATA extension to set up notifications and Iroh relays


I’m working on implementing chatmail support in the Mox email server. I have just noticed that both notifications and the Iroh relay are set up using the IMAP METADATA extension. It seems like:

  • Iroh is configured by returning a server URL from GETMETADATA "" /shared/vendor/deltachat/irohrelay
  • Notifications are configured by calling SETMETADATA "" /private/devicetoken\tuser@host.tld notification_token where user@host.tld is replaced by the actual email address, \t is a tab character, and notification_token is replaced by the actual notification token.

Is this correct? Does Delta Chat use the METADATA extension for anything else?

Mox doesn’t currently support the IMAP METADATA extension. If it’s possible for Delta Chat to configure notifications and iroh relays in another way, I’d love to hear about it! If not, I’ll work with the primary developer of Mox to decide whether I should conditionally enable a hack that just supports what Delta Chat needs, or implement arbitrary metadata storage to fulfil the whole RFC.
