Any chance to see realization of web app like in Telegram or to see how made it…
Not sure that webxdc it same that i need…
Did you look at WebXDC already? It is as close to Telegram mini apps as Delta Chat has, but with the advantage of not depending on any web server as WebXDC apps are completely contained in an .xdc (essentially a ZIP) file and don’t need network access.
WebXDC not the same… with web app easily making update, change content etc… manage.
Another Playmarket, again , web app better way in this time and of course limitation Webxdc not well position. I new the reason: more secure etc. but ip any way can be seeing in both side and so on.
Can you tell me if there are any good telegram mini apps? the most I tried thus far were trash/useless/scams.
Yes (template for making own online shop as example) note: Russian (language) service, but any way you will understand…
and scanner qr online Telegram: Contact @qr_save_bot
Keep money, russian service Telegram: Contact @KplkBot
Good to know, so if I understand correctly (I don’t speak Russian): 2 shops, a qr code scanner and a personal finances tracker?
You haven’t asked directly, but if you want to know whether such bots would be possible in deltachat/webxdc:
- shops: you might be able to this with webxdc that is sent by a bot (if shops are possible over ssh in the terminal, then this is also possible)
- qr code scanner: currently webxdc apps might not have access to camera, but this is a permission question that could change in the future - but anyways DC already has a qr code scanner built in and there are already good apps for this.
- personal finances tracker: possible, and I’d trust a local offline app on my phone more with that than a website/webservice, that could potentially look at, loose to hackers, or sell my data - the ui of the app you sent looks very nice and also looks like it was made by an indie developer, but I personally don’t trust the technology of full web access in telegram.
Absolutely agree with you, question about privacy still exist, but if we talking about any shops or other mass services why not?
Example: taxi, rent of something… big future for that
So, no chance to see web app in nearest future…
As I said before you can use a bot, an example of this is webxdc/xstore: Rust bot + webxdc app for the bot, allowing to discover and share the latest community submitted webxdc apps. -
Bot can have connections to internet and to whatever else you want.
as i see:
DeltaChat does not support webapp (similar to Telegram WebApps) directly. However, DeltaChat provides the ability to create a bot or integrations through APIs that can interact with the user in chat. These bots can send messages, buttons, and other elements, creating a semblance of mini-apps.
I ask a question, because I see that i can’t just substitute a web page and voila, the application is ready, it must necessarily have the format of an application or a bot… Not a programmer (but there is an understanding)
a bot is a full delta chat user like any other, the bot can provide an api over webxdc status updates or realtime channels to the user that uses the webxdc in the chat with the bot.
So basically a bot can be used as bridge to the internet.
a webxdc app is just a zip file with the html website files you would otherwise host on your server. The advantage of using a bot as “backend”/“server” is that you can host it anywhere and do not even need any port forwarding or a domain as you would when you want to host a website from your home.