DC adds a number to the app name

Hello :wave:,
I created a small app. It works so far, but DC always adds a number to the app name when I load it into DC a second time. This is not the case with other apps.
Does anyone know why DC does this?

Hello, you can add a manifest.toml file in the root directory, there you can add a custom name just adding to the manifest.toml the next line:
name = "your app name"
You should see the spec for more details on webxdc.
This is the webxdc specifications:


Iā€™m curious, what does the app do ?

It works now.
Thanks for the info. :+1:

This is only a modified version of the Hello app.
I just started developing apps.
So Iā€™m still a newbie. :wink:

Hi Raiden,

there is a webxdc dev group. Iā€™m also a newbie.
But in this group I got help very often.

If you like, I could add you to this group if you send me your address via PM or so.