I ask for a friend (for real ).
Works Delta Chat on sailfish OS?
I have no idea about this OS.
Thank you in advance
I ask for a friend (for real ).
Works Delta Chat on sailfish OS?
I have no idea about this OS.
Thank you in advance
First, I have never tried it and only heard from it a few times, but my quick search said that it can also run android apps. So I would try out installing the apk. It might not work, due to the android-ndk (core part). But If we don’t try we won’t know for sure
Thank you,
I already searched for this I hoped there is someone who tried it and can say it works or it works not.
Hi there!
I use it on SailfishOS (with Anroid 4.1 VM) and I’m really happy with it. I once used Conversations an it allways lost connection with the server. Not with DC. The only issue I had, was that when I updated to 0.100 DC had problems with keeping in touch with my E-Mail. I deleted it and reinstalled and now it workes again as it used to - perfectly. DC is a really, really great. Thank you.
Greetings from Austria.
Hi @broncheolus,
Thanks you for your replay.
How did you installed it.
Did you used a store like f-droid or installed you the APK?
I installed it via F-Droid, so I get the updates without needing to download them from the hompage. I’m quite happy with that.
Thank you very much
My friend says on his phone f-droid doesn’t work.
I will investigate