Delta.Chat 0.20.0 drains battery

Hello @kpleines welcome to the Delta Chat forum!!
Could you please also provide the Delta Chat version you are using??

I am using the regular Delta Chat version from the Google PlayStore which is actualy 0.200.0

Is there perhaps “testing” version downloadable from somewhere to test?

that version was released yesterday and it is up-to-date, for “nightly” releases in the future you can check:

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Thanks for the information.

The screenshot was created last week. So I think it was the last version and not the new release.
If the problem still remains, I will post it here again.

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The 1.8% isn’t bad actually. The warning is just the OS complaining that deltachat keeps idling continuously in the background itself, to allow receiving messages without using the OS’s command and control system.

The percentage gets actually larger the less the OS drains the battery (resulting in longer stand-by times). All the while deltachat’s absolute battery usage is usually already quite low pretty consistently.


here is my actual drain.
Version is: 0.200.0

Same problem here.
Android 9, Update 1. May. 2019
Device: Nokia 5

That´s not funny.

The main thing here is that DC has no own servers by design. Most of the other Chat apps have their own server that sends the push notifications to google and they pull them via google play services onto the device and display them.

But you’re both right this energy usage is still too high. It would be interesting we can somehow find out if it’s all due to the background activity and how much you’re using the app in the foreground to see which part needs more optimization first.

This high battery can be explained by some unnecessary internal actions of DC only, not by system design.

That’s my experience.

It would be interesting what the logfile says?

the information from above are pretty outdated, lots of things have changed since then, lots of things were improved, also wrt battery. we would need more recent “draining information” based on recent versions for new discussions, i also suggest to use a new thread for that.