Dev: unit tests failing on current deltachat-core-rust commit

Hello there o/ This is my first post here, so if I got the category wrong, or can improve in any way, please tell me.

Delta Chat version

Operating System

Expected behavior
unit tests passing

Actual behavior
1 unit test failing

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Checkout current HEAD (889b947792bbd0eb50c54fec126e29a47512cbc8)
    of the deltachat-core-rust repository
  2. run $ cargo test --all

Screen snapshots

Debug logs


---- securejoin::tests::test_setup_contact_protection_timestamp stdout ----
thread ‘securejoin::tests::test_setup_contact_protection_timestamp’ panicked at src\
assertion left == right failed
left: true
right: false
note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace

========== Chats of bob: ==========
Single#Chat#10: []
Msg#11: info (Contact#Contact#Info): Establishing guaranteed end-to-end encryption, please wait… [NOTICED][INFO]
Msg#12: info (Contact#Contact#Info): Could not yet establish guaranteed end-to-end encryption, but you may already send a message. [NOTICED][INFO]

========== Chats of alice: ==========
Single#Chat#10: []

alice INFO: src\ Generated QR code.
bob INFO: src\ Requesting secure-join ...
bob INFO: src\ Added contact id=10
bob Received MSGS_CHANGED(chat_id=Chat#Special0, msg_id=Msg#0)
bob Received Event { id: 233235932, typ: ChatlistChanged }
bob Received Event { id: 233235932, typ: ChatlistItemChanged { chat_id: Some(ChatId(10)) } }
bob INFO: src\ Peerstate for "" missing, cannot encrypt.
bob INFO: src\ Sending secure-join message "vc-request".
bob Received MSGS_CHANGED(chat_id=Chat#10, msg_id=Msg#11)
bob Received Event { id: 233235932, typ: ChatlistChanged }
bob Received Event { id: 233235932, typ: ChatlistItemChanged { chat_id: Some(ChatId(10)) } }
alice INFO: src\ Receiving message "Mr.MVP0beAS_hB.8PrcZ8cHyY9@localhost", seen=false...
alice INFO: src\ Added contact id=10
alice INFO: src\ Received secure-join message "vc-request".
alice Received Event { id: 3407844417, typ: SecurejoinInviterProgress { contact_id: ContactId(10), progress: 300 } }
alice Received MSGS_CHANGED(chat_id=Chat#Special0, msg_id=Msg#0)
alice Received Event { id: 3407844417, typ: ChatlistChanged }
alice Received Event { id: 3407844417, typ: ChatlistItemChanged { chat_id: Some(ChatId(10)) } }
alice INFO: src\ Peerstate for "" is mutual.
alice INFO: src\ Sending secure-join message "vc-auth-required".
alice INFO: src\ Set gossiped_timestamp for chat Chat#10 to 1718493288.
alice Received CONTACTS_CHANGED(contact=Some(ContactId(10)))
bob Received MSGS_CHANGED(chat_id=Chat#Special0, msg_id=Msg#0)
bob Received Event { id: 233235932, typ: ChatlistChanged }
bob Received Event { id: 233235932, typ: ChatlistItemChanged { chat_id: Some(ChatId(10)) } }
bob Received MSGS_CHANGED(chat_id=Chat#10, msg_id=Msg#12)
bob Received Event { id: 233235932, typ: ChatlistChanged }
bob Received Event { id: 233235932, typ: ChatlistItemChanged { chat_id: Some(ChatId(10)) } }
bob Received CHAT_MODIFIED(Chat#10)


test result: FAILED. 820 passed; 1 failed; 1 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 83.18s

error: test failed, to rerun pass ``-p deltachat --lib``

Can you reproduce the failing test?
If so, is it intended, that there is a test failing for a commit on the Main branch?