Dib2Qm [was: Analog of deltachat]

accidentally stumbled upon.
according to the description it is - analogue (I mean the essence of the action, i.e. what the program does in general and how, not the “analogue visually”) of delta.chat.
difference - only fully end-to-end encrypted messages are allowed

If you say “complete analog” do you mean it has a full blown User Interface?
are there some screenshots somewhere of the app in action?

I mean the essence of the actions, i.e. what the program does in general and how, not the “analogue visually”

Here is a project description.

It is only possible to chat with people who are also using Dib2Qm.
The app seems to be in a very early stage.

it is actually older than Delta Chat, just not actively maintained and it is maintained by a single person