Draft for german wikipedia article

Please feel free to add it if you think it’s relevant enough.

There is no wikipedia account needed.

let me tell you a story :stuck_out_tongue:

no seriously - as i once created an english wikipedia article more or less for fun i know a thing or two about how to get it accepted.

  1. Keep it short - only the most important info. you can add everything else once it is officially in. NOT before. And everyone of the sentences should have a good reference. Not whole paragraphs.
  2. Keep references as relevant as possible. Meaning: i am pretty sure your references are made for the dumpster. Who the fuck is haseke, who is plikat? Go for the big names probably everyone has heard before - preferably with an own wiki article you can link in the references. e.g. I found a c’t article and one by Die Welt mentioning delta with a short search (didnt check the article themselves. But i think you know what i mean. Like in the first tip: you always can extend later.
  3. Before you submit the draft. Try to get a wikipedia admin in the live chat. I tried submitting mine a few times “normally” before i asked something in chat. The live discussion with a wiki admin there - where i could explain and tell about the relevance (which basically is: mentioned by some big shots, some official price or similar) finally got mine accepted.

Not to sound harsh - but in my opinion

  • every linked refences in your draft is … shit :wink: .
  • For now no one cares about what may or may not happen with mozilla.
  • Function section has no reference
  • availabilty is irrelevant for the wikipedia (compare to other apps)
  • security has a long paragraph with one reference which is not relevant

So again: basing on what i experienced it has to be much shorter, the references have to be much better.
For now you only want it be be accepted. You can add crap later :wink:


Feel free to edit the article the way you think it’s acceptable :wink:

I already wrote another Wikipedia article which is accepted:

Still, help is always welcome.

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Just if you not realized it yet.
The Article is online since roundabout a month :slightly_smiling_face:


It is not also a form of texting? like whatsapp or xmpp are

I don’t understand what you mean.

Delta Chat is a messenger, similar to WhatsApp and also other XMPP based messengers.