Encrypted attachments in regular email

So if you disabled Advanced :: Send Copy to Self and still see these encrypted attachments, do you see them when you “Block” or “Accept” contacts as before (this shouldn’t happen because sync messages mustn’t be sent anymore), or maybe when you scan someone else’s QR code or share your QR code for scanning?

Yes, when I block or accept contacts.

Ah well, this was fixed only recently:

commit 8953c2a7defe7f040b4fdfc604dfbf69ee610591                                                                                                                                                                      
Author:     link2xt <link2xt@testrun.org>                                                                                                                                                                            
CommitDate: 2024-06-19 19:11:56 -0300                                                                                                                                                                                
    fix: do not send sync messages if bcc_self is disabled

There have been no releases since that, so i suggest to wait for the next version and recheck. I checked the fix on the Delta Chat Core main branch.

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But note that disabling bcc_self aka Advanced :: Send Copy to Self breaks multi-device usage, other devices won’t see user’s outgoing messages then.

Maybe we could expose disabling only sync messages for users, but that wouldn’t fix the problem completely because there are other auto-sent messages e.g. SecureJoin ones. All auto-sent messages should be moved to the “DeltaChat” folder regardless of the Move automatically to DeltaChat Folder (mvbox_move) setting (there’s a PR for this: feat: Always move outgoing auto-generated messages to the mvbox by iequidoo · Pull Request #5755 · deltachat/deltachat-core-rust · GitHub), but recent findings in Receiving blank emails with encrypted attachments whenever an email blocked, deleted or accepted show that e.g. for Gmail messages are still shown in Inbox for a while. Though i suggest to discuss this separate problem in that thread.

I don’t think always moving to DeltaChat folder even if disabled should be done, that would need to always watch unnecessarily the DeltaChat folder, some email servers don’t even support creating the DeltaChat folder,

I think this is some niche use case that will have hundreds of other problems anyway, using DC together with a classic email client will always have pitfalls and annoyances, you are mixing the flood of chatting with the clutter of an INBOX view, and this is not something worth investing time on for the Delta Chat team, time that could be used to improve areas more beneficial for a majority of users

it is better to use a dedicated email account for delta chat or to only use Delta Chat and remove the other email client, then improving Delta Chat to allow to set subject etc. so it can work as the only email client that manages the account is more interesting,

otherwise if you want to use DC in parallel with a classic email client you have to cope with the quirks, maybe some server-side filters can help you there

I’ve been using Delta chat for a number of years. Its main “selling” point was that it used ”the largest, most diverse and decentralized communication system ever created: the existing e-mail server network. Delta Chat is an email application but with a modern chat interface. Just use your standard e-mail account and start chatting with any of your contacts, whether they have installed Delta Chat or not”, This is the wording still used in the various app stores but it appears from what you’re saying that this is no longer the case and Delta Chat is neither intended nor suitable for use with “your standard e-mail account”.

It’s not like anything changed there, the new focus is instant onboarding with “chatmail” servers sure, but there were no deliberate changes to make classic email usage worse.

The sync feature is for a better multi device experience, we can check if upload of the sync messages via imap could work better instead of self sent messages, maybe they wouldn’t directly appear?

if not using those sync messages, how else should deltachat sync those things across multiple devices? if email providers would collaborate they could stop notifying for the deltachat folder, maybe you could also make a filter rule for moving the mails on the server as soon as they arrive.

I agree that a dedicated email account is better, but that was even my opinion before chatmail existed. Mixed classical MUA + deltachat is near impossible to make nice, unless you have a good email provider that you can configure to move everything chat related away into the deltachat imap folder. Or your other mail client has an option to not notify for chat messages, like k9mail has. what gmail does is outside of our control.

PS: we’ll change the appstore texts soon, to move the focus to the other features. But you can still use normal email accounts, that won’t change.

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it is suitable, what is not suitable is to use another email client along side Delta Chat, it never was suitable, because your classic email app will ring notifications for self-messages etc. unless you use a nicer app like k9-mail (now thunderbird for android) that allows disabling notifications for self-emails, but the text you quoted is perfectly valid, you can do that as long as you use only DC with that account, if you want to keep using your classic email client, you can do that as well, but then use a better classic client or just accept the limitations of your own decisions

EDIT: oops! sorry, @Simon already replied something pretty similar :sweat_smile:

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When uploading via IMAP using APPEND command it is indeed possible to set the \Seen flag immediately. We can do this for sync messages, upload them directly to DeltaChat folder and set the flag: Use IMAP APPEND command to upload sync messages with `\Seen` flag · Issue #5845 · deltachat/deltachat-core-rust · GitHub

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As with your previous posts, I’m not sure what you’re basing your comments on. I haven’t said what email clients I’m using. You seem to be making judgements based on assumptions which aren’t helpful or relevant.

However what is being said fairly clearly is you shouldn’t use Delta Chat with your “standard email account”, i.e. one that you would typically use in a standard email client which is fine, I will stop using Delta Chat in that case.

It’s a shame though. There are already plenty of good chat alternatives but being able to use an existing email account and message existing contacts seemed to be Delta Chat’s USP.

I don’t understand why it needs to sync if only blocking/accepting contacts on one device.

if you only use one device then it could be disabled, should probably be disabled when you disable bcc-self (send messages to self), if not wait for and try the next version, I think there were recently some fixes.

Yes, disabling “Send Copy to Self” setting disables sync messages. If you have only one device, then it should be disabled. This is the behavior since core 1.141.0. On Android this means you need version 1.46.8 which was just released. The change was made some time ago, but there have been no Delta Chat releases recently: fix: do not send sync messages if bcc_self is disabled by link2xt · Pull Request #5704 · deltachat/deltachat-core-rust · GitHub


There should be no problems with using Delta Chat with your standard email account, but if you’re using other email clients as well, they may be affected, at least if you use Delta Chat with default settings like “Send Copy to Self” or “Move automatically to DeltaChat folder”. So the latter should be disabled too, otherwise you mayn’t see expected messages in Inbox using other MUA if you have any.

my point is that “using your existing email account” doesn’t say in any way that you should use Delta Chat together with other email client, but that you can use Delta Chat as the email client for that account so:

since you seems to be in a bad mood, I refrain from further replaying :wave:

Ok, thanks. Hopefully it will be fixed in a future update.

Thanks. Those are both toggled off.

Sounds good.