Encrypted attachments in regular email

Hi. I have Delta chat set up on a few different devices with the same email account (but not connected).
I have it set to check all mail, not just chats and use it for regular email. I have prefer end to end encryption off on each device.
Every time I use it I get an encrypted attachment in my regular email.
Anyone else get that? Any idea why? It didn’t use to happen.

Which version of Delta Chat do you use on each device?

What do you mean by “every time I use it” - every time you send a message or just every time you open the application?

Which mail has an encrypted attachment? The mail that you send out?

Could be a synchronization message for settings, but it should not be sent every time you open the app.

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MacOS Sonoma 14.2.1 DeltaChat version 1.44 1 (got: v1.33.0-669-gc878fc787)

iOS 17.4.1 DeltaChat Version 1.44.1

Trying to isolate when it happens, appears to be when selecting “Block” or “Accept” from a new contact, causes an encrypted message to appear in regular email client.

I’ve tried both with “add as a second device” set up and without.

That’s a synchronisation message for multi device usage then (to sync your contact request accept or block action).

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OK. I guess I’ll have to stop using Delta chat then. I don’t want to be spammed every time I use it.

or you could use a sane email client like K9Mail (now thunderbird) that allows to disable notifications for self-messages (does it makes sense to get a notification for your own messages anyway???)

but your normal email provider is likely not a good option to use with DeltaChat due to rate limits anyway so it is better to use DC with a dedicated chatmail account

about the sync messages, it makes sense to add an option to disable that sync messages more if you use DC in a single device, if you use it in several then it is unavoidable otherwise the state would not be synchronized in all devices

It’s not notifications, it’s emails in the inbox.
Rate limits isn’t an issue.
There is no option to sync or not sync messages. Delta chat is only running on one device.

delta chat moves the messages from the inbox to a dedicated DeltaChat folder, so such messages shouldn’t clutter your INBOX, unless you have disabled “watch DeltaChat folder” then you should enable that option in advanced settings

otherwise it is a bug if some Delta Chat sync message stays in your INBOX instead of being moved to Delta Chat folder, also if you don’t want the messages to be in your INBOX at all, you can set “Delete messages from server” to “at once” (but then you need to set delta chat to “chats only” mode so normal email is not deleted

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I use it for regular email so don’t want to delete from the server or move it to the deltachat folder.

could you reply the question about moving to DeltaChat folder? it should not leave stuff in your INBOX so this sync messages should not cause issues to you, since you are not worried about notifications but polluting the inbox

I don’t have the “move automatically to deltachat folder” toggled on as I want messages to stay in the inbox as I use delta chat for regular email.

I am not 100% sure, you should try, I think classic email stays in the inbox even with that option enabled, it only moves DC messages or replies to DC messages (a.k.a chat messages)

I’m a long time delta chat user but I’ll need to stop using it while this is occurring.

you can easily use a dedicated email account for delta chat with chatmail servers

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As @adbenitez says, you can safely tick the option “Move automatically to Delta Chat folder”. DC will only move the chat related messages, your classic email will remain in your inbox.

Thanks, but that doesn’t solve the problem of the messages with encrypted attachments being visible in the inbox when using another email client.


Y’all are being spectacularly unhelpful here.

Shouldn’t sync data always be placed in the DeltaChat folder, regardless of that user setting? Devs should probably examine that behavior (@Simon). From where I sit, that just makes plain sense, and it eliminates the UX issue of “DC creates unwanted clutter when configured a certain way”.

Everyone keeps telling DCsDC to move “DC messages” to the DC folder, but they have clearly said they use DC as a regular client for regular email.

Replying to regular mail from DC is all well and good[1], but y’all are overlooking the behavior of composing new emails, aka “starting a new chat” from DC.

With the “move chats” setting enabled, if you begin a chat from DC, replies will also be moved, skipping the inbox.

Stated another way, DC can reply to regular email and coexist with other clients[1], but DC assumes regular email cannot be sent to a chain DC started.

This too should be examined and discussed by the devs.

[1]: At least, maybe? Fastmail’s web interface successfully detects self mail (“Send Copy to Self” enabled) and presents a nice thread, but it’s not clear to me that other email clients will succeed here, given that they may expect sent mail to be in the sent folder, which it isn’t.

I think that as you have Delta Chat only running on one device, it’s better to disable Advanced :: Send Copy to Self as a temporary solution so that there are no sync messages at all. And keep Move automatically to DeltaChat Folder (mvbox_move) disabled as you’re using other MUA. But note that your server should copy outgoing messages to some Sent folder, otherwise you won’t see messages sent from Delta Chat in other MUA. It seems that the proper fix is to always move sync messages to the DeltaChat folder, even if mvbox_move is disabled, except the chatmail case where the DeltaChat folder isn’t needed.

Both of those are already toggled off. I see other people are reporting the same issue elsewhere in this forum.