FreeBSD Port of the deltachat-desktop App

What makes it more suitable for desktop than previous releases? I have used it in the past on desktop without much problems already, switched to Linux mostly to run Android SDK inside Podman (Docker). Can’t see anything significant in FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE Release Notes | The FreeBSD Project from a quick glance. Makes sense to wait for release to avoid going through upgrade process immediately after installing though.

Another related topic:

I see you asked about KDE/Qt apps at Signal-Desktop / deltachat-desktop App | The FreeBSD Forums so KDeltaChat seems to be a good alternative if you want to compile it, but it is far from being ready. I use it daily, but it lacks many features, like notifications and attaching files, which I’m slowly adding.

FreeBSD has electron port, so you can actually compile the app from source, but it’s not straighforward as nobody did it yet:

There are no LibreSSL problems as in OpenBSD case though and I built the core with LibreSSL on a virtual machine in the past.