Gallery, Camera not working via Attachment Menu

Delta Chat version
IOS DeltaChat 1.3.0

Expected behavior

When using attachment (clip symbol) in chat dialog, the selected feature should come up. I. E. Gallery should show Gallery Pane.

Actual behavior

After selecting for instance “Gallery” , nothing further happens. It only seems to work, when I go back to Chat List and reselect the contact I tried to send a picture.

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. select a chat contact and chat with him
  2. put DeltaChat IOS into background (go to iOS spring board)
  3. bring up Delta Chat again from task Switcher
  4. trey and send a picture from Gallery

Screen snapshots

Debug logs

If applicable, debug logs can be copied from within the Delta Chat app: 

Open the _Settings_ menu -> _About_ -> _version number|Info_.

Alternatively from the Android system log:

` adb logcat -v time -s DeltaChat `

This log contains private data (e.g. mail address, provider information) which shall be removed or anonymised prior to posting.