How to change defaul folders with data of accounts in windows

I wonder, how to change default values as (C:\Users\Pc455233\AppData\Local\DeltaChat) for another place?
The aim not to use standart locations

use portable version or open it with the TEST_DIR environment value set (the latter is a hack that is not guaranteed to keep working in the future).
If that if not what you want you need to patch it and compile it yourself.
Also I think you can not prevent electron from putting files there, but you can atleast move the data folders of deltachat

Unfortunately, i haven’t found portable version in download area
Maybe it is reasonable to fix path in registry or something else
Don’t understand way with parameter TEST_DIR

Portable Version:

Hello :wave:,
The portable version can be found on the download page under “Get it from Microsoft”
and “Download Setup.exe”.
It says: “Source Code - Get portable version (experimental)”
Here is the download link:

Sorry, habe deinen Beitrag zu spät gesehen. :smile:

Great! works well!
There is a need to add function in soft:

  1. delete data in folder logs
  2. pin for open app