Import and use of existing GPG Keys

Expected behavior

Import and use of existing GPG Keys

Actual behavior

Connot import my GPG Keys

Example Images

this feature is important.

importing public GPG keys of contacts is necessary in order to be interoperable with protonmail and gmx/mailevlope.

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This is not a convenient solution of course, but you can write some script converting your keys which are probably in the ASCII-armored format into vCards understandable by Delta Chat. You can find some documentation of the Delta Chat vCard support here: deltachat-core-rust/deltachat-contact-tools/src/ at main · deltachat/deltachat-core-rust · GitHub

I’ve closed Add a way to import peer public keys from `.asc` files · Issue #5698 · deltachat/deltachat-core-rust · GitHub to discuss it here first. The suggestion there was

Auto-importing keys from incoming messages was implemented quite a long ago, so i suggest to do the same from outgoing messages sent to the self-chat, e.g. you send a message /deltachat-import EMAIL@ADDR with a .asc file attached and that’s it. The /deltachat- prefix here is to avoid triggering this logic occasionally. The email address is better to be specified explicitly, sometimes PGP keys have several uids/addresses and creating peerstates for them all may be redundant, and anyway then you should choose one of them. Then you can click on the email address in the sent message and start chatting. So, no need to even auto-create a contact. You can check that the key is imported successfully in the “Encryption Info” context menu as usual. Maybe all this sounds not user-friendly, but this solves the problem entirely in Core and actually is an advanced feature anyway.