Importing GnuPG keys fails

My procedure to create unprotected GnuPG key files was:

  1. create option file “gpg-create-keyPair-without-passphrase.txt” with following lines

    Key-Type: DSA
    Key-Length: 1024
    Subkey-Type: ELG-E
    Subkey-Length: 1024
    Name-Real: Vorname Nachname
    Name-Comment: with no passphrase
    Name-Email: VornameNachname@mail.domain
    Expire-Date: 0

  2. Generate GnuPGP key pair

    gpg.exe --batch --generate-key <gpg-create-keyPair-without-passphrase.txt

  3. Export private and public key to some folder to be used to import into DeltaChat:

    gpg --armor --export VornameNachname@mail.domain >\DeltaChat\publicKey.asc
    gpg --armor --export-secret-key VornameNachname@mail.domain>\DeltaChat\privateKey.asc

Why key import in DeltaChat failing from folder \DeltaChat ?
Do I need to change something in my “gpg-create-keyPair-without-passphrase.txt” to create compatible keys?

I tried this, it fails with an error about DSA. DSA keys are not supported in rPGP, the implementaion of OpenPGP that Delta Chat uses, and it is unlikely that support will be added because it is superseded by RSA. Besides that, DSA-1024 is not considered secure for more than 10 years already.

Use ECC (Curve 25519) instead.

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