Jump from status message to app

Expected behavior

A user selects a webxdc status message and opens the context menu and selects jump to app.

Actual behavior

It is not possible to jump directly from the status message to the corresponding webxdc app.


I think this feature would be useful because users sometimes want to select the app directly to forward or export it. Up to now, they may have to scroll a lot or search for the app in the media library.

Up to now, they may have to scroll a lot or search for the app in the media library

there is an easier option on Andoid and iOS already: when the app is open, you can select “Show in Chat” from the app’s menu:

this works also when the app was started from the homescreen, from a widget or for the gallery. on desktop, indeed, that seems missing, i created an issue for that

that said, having an additional option in the info messages context menu might be a nice enhancement


Ok, thanks for the hint. :+1:
I had completely overlooked that.

Not released yet, but I recently added that option to the info message context menu in desktop:

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Thanks, I overlooked that too. I should do some better research before I write another feature proposal. :joy: