Localization, general and/or "own" app fork (adding language)

Like via DC already: additional strings generously translated into Khmer by Upasika Villa, dedicated toward the Sangha and it’s faithful following, useable in proper ways for what ever good and harmless undertakings in lawful way, not intended to harm other beings.
(as txt since xml-file isn’t given to upload)

strings_khmer_additional_26092021.txt (17.6 KB)


My person still wonders of what it could take, would be required in ways of resources, man-power, to fork the app (in cases it’s personally welcome and given) which is optimised to use foremost an own email-server (in this case for the community of monks and follower) having some special features:

  • Creating account: by either gained qr-code or telefon-number (and name, forming the email adress name@server.own), one registers an email account on this server, yet could use it with external as well. (to make access easier in areas where email isn’t common used at large, and to avoid encouragement to use not directly given third part resources) Maybe manage-able by simply having an additional start page, welcome, register page (naive thought)
  • Possibility to avoid over-use of server resources by default settings (such as delete messages after x time from server) and/or other ways when app isn’t used longer and so not deleted.
  • Simple layout and name changes
  • Since very less apps are translated into Khmer, and so nearly nobody uses it as system-language, setting language on welcome page of app (say english, german or khmer, to chose, for example).

Surely most genius if one could take such an app, be able to modify the “own privat server” and simply selfhost the app and share a download within ones community, or get the modified app after having registered an email on this server (just thoughts, but maybe also inspiring others).

Good to leave all here just as inspiration food for ideas generally, for those wishing to care in not using any “free”, others resources, share given (server-use) with app at the same time.