Absolutely. However, the newly introduced default setting “Show emails: No” (email interactions by r10s · Pull Request #742 · deltachat/deltachat-android · GitHub) currently breaks the backwards compatibility with the email world for all new installations.
In the past it was still possible to reply to emails from your contacts that don’t have deltachat installed. Even if it was really cumbersome, and needed improvement: One had to find the “contact request” activity and manually monitor the INBOX.
But now, the new default kind of moves deltachat users into their own silo group, because they are not reachable anymore by their known contacts if these send a short email.
The “Start a chat?” prompting could instead default to only appear for reasonably short emails. This would not require the introduction of a “Show emails?” option, and not break the backwards compatibility with the default to ignore all classic emails.
Setting “Show emails: All” is not an alternative either, because it leads to a “Start chat?” prompting marathon for each and every email. Even once this gets fixed:
(For planning and checking consistency: Use-cases, chat rules and configuration options)