No notification on iOS

Delta Chat version 1.16.0

I don’t receive any notification on my iPhone.
I underline that if DC is open on my Mac, I receive correctly the notification on my Mac.
Is it possible to address this issue?

delta chat only gets very few timeslots to check for new messages and show notifications then.

this is a known issue, yes, and there are some ongoing efforts to improve that see eg. Notifications not shown instantly · Issue #569 · deltachat/deltachat-ios · GitHub (you’ll also find some more technical background there)

Any progress on this topic ? I am trying to convert people but this definetely a showstopper. No notification for an instant messaging app is no less than bizarre

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there are testflight releases meanwhile at Join the Delta Chat beta - TestFlight - Apple , you can install them instead of the “official” releases.

these releases will check for messages more often and show notifications quicker; in practice, about every ~10 minutes, it still depends a bit on what apple thinks is good for you, and in the usage of the app, however, it should be far better than before (the linked issue above shows some technical details)

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These are the results of my tests:

  • DC open both on my MacBook (in background);
  • DC installed on my iPhone;
  • I send a message from DC on my iPhone;
  • When the recipient reply the notification arrives on my MacBook (as a banner) and no notification on my iPhone.

which version are you using? if it is 1.19, can you have a look at the logs and at “settings / advanced / view log / custom variables”? esp. the fist paragraph with the “notify” and “token” values is of interest.

On my MacBook, I have version 1.15.5.
On my iPhone, I have version 1.19.0 (I am beta testing via TestFlight).
I attach the file “custom variables.txt”.
custom variables.txt (1.6 KB)

that’s interesting, no pings at all, neither local nor remote. i cannot really explain that currently. can you try rebooting your phone? which ios version are you using? (we should add more info like that to the debug-values :slight_smile:

iOS version 14.4.2
I did the reboot.
Same situation:

  • DC open both on my MacBook (in background);
  • DC installed on my iPhone;
  • I send a message from DC on my iPhone;
    When the recipient reply, the notification arrives only on my MacBook (as a banner) and no notification on my iPhone.

I updated to version 1.19.1 right now and the issue is the same as described in my previous message.

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there are some other reports that silent notifications do not work properly under ios 1.14: Silent Push Notifications doesn't … | Apple Developer Forums (i cannot test that as all testphones here have 1.14.2)

however, to be honest, i am skeptical that this is really the reason for this issue. but who knows #bugsbugsbugs :ant: :slight_smile:

apart from that, the next vesion will show better debug info and we still have some tweaks in the queue, finish background poll asap · Issue #1157 · deltachat/deltachat-ios · GitHub , but also here, this will probably not fix this issue when no notificatios arrive at all.