Notification and battery consumption

I propose 2 variations of the implementation:

1 - If you don’t have google services, and most people who use delta chat don’t, because of privacy concerns, then do a background check of messages every 10 minutes instead of constantly running in the background, that’s what SimpleX does.

2 - Delta Chat developers will launch a free, public Gotify server - a free implementation of a push server with self-deploying server. The Gotify client is available in f-droid. It can be included in the Delta Chat build for the version released in f-droid, or offered to be downloaded at launch.

I think most people who use Delta Chat have google services.

Delta Chat already implements IMAP IDLE, there is no need for polling if it is supported. If IDLE is not supported, polling is used.

If you can run Gotify client in the background, you can as well run Delta Chat in the background.