On-demand location streaming Mapas

Expected behavior

  1. A button to set your location on the map
  2. Several layers of maps, or at least satellite.
  3. When you select a message with location to show it on the map.
  4. When you delete the message, delete the mark on the map.
  5. The transmission of the default location, after marking on-demand location
  6. Notification when location information is obtained


  1. Un boton para establecer tu ubicación en el mapa
  2. Varias capas de mapas, o al menos satelite.
  3. Cuando selecciones un mensaje con ubicacion que te lo muestre en el mapa.
  4. Cuando borre el mensaje, borre la marca en el mapa.
  5. La trasmision de la ubicación establecida por defecto, luego de marcar on-demand location
  6. Notificación cuando se obtiene información de la ubicación

hello, are you having troubles to use this forum?? could you please elaborate your proposal?

hola, estás teniendo problemas para entender como funciona el foro?
por favor edita el post para incluir mas información sobre cual es tu propuesta

Why should such thing be in DC? Isn’t there specialized services for this out there?

As you say if there are several apk for this task (Osmand, Google Map), but as it is within DC, that’s why I recommend having it in this apk, so that the service is optimal, based on the idea that it is An innovative apk.

You shouldn’t duplicate features when it’s not necessary. Especially when you know that specialized apps suites better for the task. It’s reasonable only to facilitate integration with these apps.

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If it can be an option, the integration, what that way you get out of the DC application, but if it is not possible what I mostly put at least, something could be done, I will continue to use it anyway because it is fluid and I Messaging results, since my data connection is through a business proxy.

The current map is no core feature of DC and will get replaced anyway by a more privacy friendly map in the future like openstreetmap. At the moment were using mapbox because it was easy to implement for prototyping the feature.
The location streaming feature on the other hand is a core feature of DC…
Anyways thanks for sharing your Ideas regarding the map we can use those when searching for/developing a replacement for mapbox :+1:

No sure what you mean by that, do you mean setting fake locations? or a button to see your current gps location without sharing it?

Nice idea, but where do we (legally) get good satelite maps? (Even better when we could get them free and opensource )

Having a show on map button when having a message with location selected would be a nice feature, I agree

note: You can only delete messages for yourself on your account, you can’t delete them that the others don’t have them anymore. It’s not possible with email. And also on other services like whatsapp and telegram you could always make a screenshot before it’s deleted, so there isn’t really a point to it anyway… IMHO. Maybe we can offer a feature when all people in a group have dc to withdraw mesages but you can’t really delete them, because there isn’t a central server that controls the app on all devices.
Anyway discussing ‘deleting’ (while we’re already at it also editing) messages is a topic for a dedicated forum topic.

Sending a chosen location as attachment should be an option, I agree.

Not sure what you mean by that. Could you explain?

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A button to set your location on the map
In the case of the button to see my location I mean when you browse the map to find the other users who have sent you their geolocation, it is more effective, recover your location again just by clicking on the button and not browsing all the map until you are.

Several layers of maps, or at least satellite.

Just to mention a few examples, I hope you can find more examples on the subject. Mapbox itself I think has several layers.

When you delete the message, delete the mark on the map.

With regard to eliminating the message and the brand of the map, I apologize and the application does, but on my mobile it takes a bit or it seems to me that it is delayed (Android 5.01) hence the suggestion.

The transmission of the default location, after marking the location on demand

With respect to the location I also recommend that the user set a time to update their location, DC every so often requests the activation of the GPS update the location and uses it until the next update as your location, (if it is not active all the time) That way you always have a location available and you should not wait until you get the location by GPS / data / Wi-Fi in case it is lost or delayed in obtaining it.

Notification when location information is obtained

Recently I was testing the option on-demand location on a friend’s cell phone, to tell her the good thing about the application, but it didn’t show her location in DC, so I thought the mobile didn’t have that function or that DC as I was testing it was not fully operational, not knowing if I received the location or not, so I had to go to the settings and other options of the mobile until I managed to show the location in DC, usually shown in the mobile status bar but if you don’t do it as I know, I attached a photo of how Osmand does it with the suggestion.

I had an issue with the maps stuff in delta, for some users the marks I sent where not show in their map, also seems like the location of other users where not shown to them (they could see the map but no mark/poi or location icons)