Opt out of Windows "Recall" screenshotting the chats on desktop

Windows has introduced or is going to introduce a “feature” that screenshots users desktop all the time: New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC - Ars Technica
This can result in compromising chat contents even for users who are not using Windows themselves, but communicate with contacts that have spyware installed.

If there is no way to opt out and prevent screenshotting from working, users should at least be warned if they have such software installed so they can take action (assuming that they care).

Brought up here:

Microsoft has some guide on “What if I don’t want Recall to save information from certain websites or apps?”:

Apparently Firefox has a way to opt-out, but it is not clear if it is initiated from Firefox or just hard-coded into Windows.

Electron has content protection API:

From this answer:

Probably makes sense to enable this by default and at least turn disabling it into an option?

Opened an issue in Desktop repo:

made a pr

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