Problem installing mailadm

Hi Guys,

I would like to ask for help.
I am trying to install mailadm, but encountered a problem when building the ducker. After running the command: sudo docker build . -t mailadm-mailcow, i get the error below. I have tried to build it in another machine (local standalone host), as the serverguide explains but I get the same result.
Thank you in advance for your help.

=> ERROR [3/9] RUN pip install -U pip 2.6s

[3/9] RUN pip install -U pip:
2.023 error: externally-managed-environment
2.023 Ɨ This environment is externally managed
2.023 ā•°ā”€>
2.023 The system-wide python installation should be maintained using the system
2.023 package manager (apk) only.
2.023 If the package in question is not packaged already (and hence installable via
2.023 ā€œapk add py3-somepackageā€), please consider installing it inside a virtual
2.023 environment, e.g.:
2.023 python3 -m venv /path/to/venv
2.023 . /path/to/venv/bin/activate
2.023 pip install mypackage
2.023 To exit the virtual environment, run:
2.023 deactivate
2.023 The virtual environment is not deleted, and can be re-entered by re-sourcing
2.023 the activate file.
2.023 To automatically manage virtual environments, consider using pipx (from the
2.023 pipx package).
2.023 note: If you believe this is a mistake, please contact your Python installation or OS distribution provider. You can override this, at the risk of breaking your Python installation or OS, by passing --break-system-packages.
2.023 hint: See PEP 668 for the detailed specification.

I have overpassed this error by changing the image of Alpine to version
alpine:3.18 (FROM in the Dockerfile) which does NOT need to conform to PEP 668 specification.

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I have found out that if you want to use latest version of Alpine (> 3.18), you need to modify the ā€œDockerfileā€ (I have tested it positively. Source: Elegantly activating a virtualenv in a Dockerfile).

Add the following lines after the ā€˜Run apkā€¦ā€™ command:

RUN python3 -m venv $VIRTUAL_ENV

This activates the virtualenv to comply with PEP 668 specification.