Profile pictures for non-DC contacts

Expected behavior

Optional setting of profile pictures for non-DC contacts.
If one of these contacts later hopefully installs DC, the image should be replaced automatically.

Actual behavior

For non-DC contacts, letters with colored backgrounds are displayed as profile pictures.


Maybe other DC users feel the same way.
Unfortunately, most of my contacts do not use DC.
Despite this, I can communicate with everyone without any problems.
That’s what makes DC so awesome.
The only thing that bothers me a bit visually are the missing profile pictures.
So it would be great if you could add some yourself. :slightly_smiling_face:


Same situation for me.

I’d like even a setting like show/hide profile picture, for all the chats or better for the non-Delta contacts. In this last case you see directly who is using DC.

Colors are boring…

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What would be the benefit of that?
For my part, I think it’s better if you don’t notice it immediately.

For encryption purps!

But I agree that I wanna set the image (and even be able to override the people who have set an ugly picture).

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if you are using android, adding the contacts to your address book and setting an image there and they will show in Delta Chat then

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I am using the iOS version. But thanks for the tip. :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s right, it would be better if you could basically set your own profile pictures.