Public Groups bot instances list

So there was this post recently about the new Public Groups Bot, but there were still no instances. OTOH, the SimpleBot by @adbenitez has such a list :stuck_out_tongue: I thought, let’s change that.

So I set up the (probably) first instance of the public groups bot. You can find it at It’s open, just login with Delta Chat and join the first group I opened, or open new ones!

If you also run a public groups instance, just post a comment below :slight_smile:


done. can’t find the group list, still.

you should be logged in to the website now, there you can see the groups.

Though I currently get a 504 Gateway Time-out after loging in, so its probably currently broken :slightly_frowning_face: .

Ping @missytake


which one? this?

it only always leads me to the qr-code-login-thing, which by pressing on manual i get redirected to delta chat app and asked to join a new group, with a new bot instance, which will promptly leave me alone again! :grin:

it does open another group, but it’s even more empty.

couldn’t get to the 504 even…

ps: i don’t own a desktop (by choice). just 2 mobiles.

it takes a while and its broken currently let’s wait for @missytake to fix it, I already informed them.

still broken? i suppose.

What is wrong? It is Android (cant open link see below warning message)

Please embed needed resourses.


please state the delta chat version or provide a log

Now it is works, with updated DC from F-Droid.

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ah as expected, in older versions it was not supported