Questions about privacy and data security

Hi everyone!

I would like to know what happens when I request that my delta-chat account be anonymous and public.

  1. What happens when I request that my delta-chat account be anonymous and public? I ask about this, because it is a doubt of any user.
  2. For example: are there any logs recorded with my IP address when I create a delta-chat account here?
  3. How does the terms of use or privacy work in discourse delta-chat?

If anyone can answer these 3 questions, I would be happy for the brief contact.

delta-chat account be anonymous and public.

I assume you mean your forum account in this forum, the deltachat app does not have such a feature, it’s simply an email client, so you just delete app to “logout” (or if you have multiple accounts then delete the account in the account switcher in the app)

  1. I don’t know what discourse does exactly, but mostly a moderator would ask the user if they are sure and then click on the anonymise button and discourse then does it’s thing.
  2. in the internet there are always logs of IP addresses, but most of the time they are deleted after some days to not fill up the servers storage or because the admins are eager to protect the privacy of their users. if you are really scared of your IP address getting leaked then you should use an vpn and not trust what website providers say.
    • the deltachat app currently has no own servers besides of the notification heartbeat server on iOS, so nothing personal is collected there.
    • this forum software (discourse) collects quite some stats about users (how much you read, what is searched on the platform and stuff like that), but we don’t systematically use that data. and we would never sell or give it to companies like google.
  3. here you can read the privacy policy Privacy policy website - Delta Chat

if you still got questions or have suggestions feel free to tell us.

PS: this discourse instance is hosted by us and not by the discourse company


I would like to know if it is possible to create a privacy and security category in the discourse. Is it possible to create a privacy and security category in the discourse?

Some people might have doubts about app: delta-chat and delta-chat forum. So, what do you think of this idea?

we don’t have enough questions yet to justify a dedicated category yet at this point in time.

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