Search button for the Desktop App in the current conversation

When i’m using the fantastic Desktop app, i miss having a Search icon on top right side and also a CTRL + F reaction, which currently does nothing. Thanks… I saw there is already a thread about IOS here: Search button to find messages (IOS) - #3 by r10s

The search bar is at the top of the chatlist on the left. In three-dot menu at the top right there is also a “Search in chat” option.

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Sorry i meant a Search button for the current Chat group/person, in the current conversation.



telegram/whatsapp indeed have an icon there, however, also use a dedicated search input field, shown in the chat view.

as we are using only one input field, i fear, having a search icon that is more/comparable visible to the global search, results in confusion. so, i would stay with the more concrete menu entry “Search in Chat” for now.

however, sooner or later, the “Search In Chat” gets an iteration anyways, it is still a bit handwavy, also regarding layout. one idea is also there could be a switch there.

but i totally agree CTRL-F is missing - but that should go to the global search then (which is currently CTRL+K), CTRL+SHIFT+F could go to the in-chat-search, i created an issue for that: use standard shortcut for search · Issue #4579 · deltachat/deltachat-desktop · GitHub