Server error downloading desktop app to mxLinux

Tried to install via Flatpak on mxLinux (i know i know noob move) and got this error:

Looking for matches…
Required runtime for (runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform/x86_64/19.08) found in remote flathub permissions:
ipc network pulseaudio x11
dri file access [1] dbus access [2]

[1] home
[2] org.freedesktop.Notifications
  1. org.freedesktop.Platform	x86_64	19.08	flathub	< 238.2 MB
  2. org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default	x86_64	19.08	flathub	< 94.9 MB
  3. org.freedesktop.Platform.Locale	x86_64	19.08	flathub	< 318.2 MB (partial) 4.	   	org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel	x86_64	19.08	flathub	< 8.7 MB
  4. org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264	x86_64	2.0	flathub	< 916.8 kB
  5.	x86_64	stable	flathub	< 359.5 MB
  6.	x86_64	stable	flathub	< 59.9 kB (partial)

Error: While pulling app/ from remote flathub: Server returned status 503: Service Unavailable
error: Failed to install While pulling app/ from remote flathub: Server returned status 503: Service Unavailable
2020/03/27 01:36:11 socat[6606] E waitpid(): child 6612 exited with status 1