Set up Delta Chat for all Windows users once

Expected behavior

On Windows systems: Set up Delta Chat program files in C:\Program Files\DeltaChat, where all Windows users have access to.

Actual behavior

On Windows systems: Delta Chat program files are automatically set up in path C:\Users\PC_USER\AppData\Local\Programs\deltachat-desktop . (PC_USER is just a placeholder for the name of a generic Windows user profile.)


Just think about a family Windows system on which each member has an own user profile. Currently, Delta Chat “weighs” about 302 MB. For a family of three, not less than 906 MB would get allocated if Delta Chat was used by all of them, when they all had their own Windows profiles! (If it was about user data, just stick with C:\Users\PC_USER\AppData\Local\DeltaChat, that is perfectly fine.)

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That is a property of the installer that electron builder generates.
We can change this in the future, as we probably need to create our own installer anyway (to fix the missing c++ runtime error).

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Regarding Electron, maybe this helps: Let's link the dynamic VC runtime again · Issue #9443 · electron/electron · GitHub .

Cheers, Gerry