Setting up computer after handheld

Delta Chat version

handheld (android): 1.20.5
laptop (windows): 1.20.3

Expected behavior

The handheld should have an option to export settings so can import and use key on laptop device


A “send-key-to-self” message invoked by handheld should show up on laptop

Actual behavior

No export option on handheld

No key message appears on laptop

When added same account on laptop, peers registered new key for the account. Messages from the handheld now arrive unencrypted

Steps to reproduce the problem

see above

Screen snapshots

Debug logs

If applicable, debug logs can be copied from within the Delta Chat app: 

Open the _Settings_ menu -> _About_ -> _version number|Info_.

Alternatively from the Android system log:

` adb logcat -v time -s DeltaChat `

This log contains private data (e.g. mail address, provider information) which shall be removed or anonymised prior to posting.

There is an export option for chats and media. Maybe it’s not clear from it’s description, but it creates a full backup, including the key.

that was it, thanks!

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