(†) - Special icon for unencrypted friends

The Encryption can be removed by a reply with plaintext.
This is quire a security risk next to unencrypted connections maintained in DeltaChat.

Unencrypted Friends needs therefore a special Icon.

Instead of a colored circle with image or initales of the name
the request is to have for unencrypted connections/friends a special icon:

This could be a circle with a black background and a white outer circle line and within a death symbol as a cross, we all know from death announcements in the newspaper.

Thanks for making unencrypted connections more aware.


there is the recently added “Guaranteed End-To-End-Encryption” that removes the most frequent criticisms of Autocrypt, as replying unencrypted.

see Guaranteed End-to-End encryption and many other good news - Delta Chat
and FAQ - Delta Chat