I would be grateful if there is an option to start DeltaChat in minimized mode. I know there’s a possibility to do this from command-line but an in-app setting would be really nice.
Actual behavior
Unless --minimized is passed on CLI the application always starts in a window.
I am on Linux. What I am trying to achieve is deltachat to start quietly on each boot. While copying .desktop file to autostart/ dir appending --minimized works it would be more useful IMHO if a user finds it directly in the program settings.
so you actually mean a one-click toggle switch that creates the autostart entry? true that would be really nice, though would need special handling on all platforms.
Same goal – start Delta Chat quietly on boot – but no workaround in my case, perhaps because I’m using the flatpak version. I’d like to see the mentioned minimized switch as well, not necessarily in combination with an auto-start option. In the meantime I’d be happy if someone could tell me how to add --minimize to the flatpak command. Right now it looks like this:
flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=/app/bin/run.sh chat.delta.desktop
Thank you! Had tried some of them before but your last command worked for me, so did keeping the --command part:
flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=/app/bin/run.sh chat.delta.desktop – --minimized
[It’s minus minus space minus minus minimized. Don’t have the time right now to look up how to prevent this forum software from replacing two - signs by one –. I sometimes don’t like systems that try to think for me.]
Looks like parameter --minimized dows not work with the Windows version of the app, right? It always starts with GUI and this parameter even is not documented in the readme.md on GitHub. (I have not found any other list of command line parameters yet.)
Different topic, but if DeltaChat has been provided with Microsoft Store, you are not able to edit any link (adding parameters, for example) as with normal installation, no option to access the executable normally (and so no option to add is to autostart manually), as it will be stored in a secured folder with no access for users and local admins.
Yes, some automatism in the preferences to let DeltaChat start automatically and minimized on Windows/Linux startup would be (still) nice.