[Survey] Additional ways to get DC Desktop on Linux: your vote for the most important format

We had some people suggested we should maintain additional official package repositories. I make this post here in order to find out how big the interest really is.

Additional Official Package Formats
  • APT Repository - Debian, Ubuntu
  • rpm / COPR / OpenSuse Repository - Fedora, OpenSuse
  • snap (work on making the community maintained snap official)
  • something else, comment bellow
0 voters

reference to issues:


I assume the purpose of this poll is to find out which package format most people prioritize, since it’s only possible to vote for one option, even though some people might conceivably be interested in having multiple package formats available.

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Earlier this year, @hagi planned to create some Linux repositories, but I don’t know if that eventuated.

sure - but imagine, there are only resources for one - what then would be the most important for you?

if that is done, we could create the next survey :slight_smile:

what would also help in esp. this area is the help of community folks creating and maintaining things for their favorite distro - one does not need permission from Delta Chat or so, one could just do that :slight_smile: and that would give devs more room to fix bugs :mosquito::beetle::ant::cockroach:

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This makes sense and I assumed this was the aim of the poll, but I thought I’d check because it wasn’t clearly stated in the opening post and the checkbox UI suggests that multiple options are possible, although maybe Discourse just doesn’t know how to do radio UI.