Testing upcomming Desktop 1.3.2 Release

We have a new desktop release in the pipeline, featuring:

:pushpin: Pinned Chats

:camera: Scan QR codes with the system webcam to join Groups and verify contacts
(and fallbacks that use the qrcode-data instead for the case that no webcam is available):

  • load image from file
  • paste qr code data
  • open qrcode data as url (openpgp4fpr urls; such as “Manual link” on the “login with deltachat” page)

:pencil2: change (nick-)name of contacts

Full changelog: deltachat-desktop/CHANGELOG.md at master · deltachat/deltachat-desktop · GitHub

Now we need your help to to test this release, to make sure it runs smoothly enough to put it out in the wild (onto the download page) :wink:.
You can report the bugs you found either on github or under this post.
We already know about these bugs, so you don’t have to report them again:

  • appimage can’t open qrcode data urls.

We have a new release with fixes: 1.3.1



This error appears when I’m starting delta chat:

Logfile: /home/xxxxxx/.config/DeltaChat/logs/2020-05-01-12-33-46.log.tsv
throw err;

Error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.25’ not found (required by /tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.GuhVvT)

OS info (excerpt):

$ cat /etc/os-release
NAME=“BunsenLabs GNU/Linux”
PRETTY_NAME=“BunsenLabs GNU/Linux 9.8 (Helium)”
VERSION=“9.8 (Helium)”

We have a new release with fixes: 1.3.1

New Release with new fiex: 1.3.2

Changelog: https://github.com/deltachat/deltachat-desktop/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#132---2020-05-11

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great job! so much better on mac!

Hi Simon,

excuse me but same error!

GLIBC 2.25 not available!

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are you using the .deb or the appimage?
We should probably package an compatible version of glibc -> because electron builder doesn’t do it.

I’m using the .deb file.