Turnkey Chatmail in Freedombox?

Freedombox is a server which can be controlled through a GUI, no command-line needed. It contains a click-to-install mail server. Presumably a bit of config could add a click-to-install Chatmail server. Do those who’ve actually set up a Chatmail server think this would work out?


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It looks like the mail server that is already included (https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/Manual/Email) does support account creation. What are the benefits of Chatmail in this case? Spam protection and speed?

BTW here’s a list of software similar to Freedombox.

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I’d personally say:

  • speed (fork of dovecot that has the delay removed)
  • push notifications on iOS (and on android if you can use FCM there but can’t keep the app in the background for IMAP IDLE)

For an invite-only setup, you wouldn’t need the restriction of only being able to send encrypted emails, unless you want to have that as a security feature.

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