Using DeltaChat with regular (shared!) email account seems impractical due to notifications

As pointed out here, I feel like regular email account use for DeltaChat with the “DeltaChat” subfolder doesn’t practically work well even with custom mail filter rules due to notifications. I either let the filter mark it as read and get no notifications anywhere, or I don’t let the filter mark it as read and then I get duplicate notifications everywhere. Most regular e-mail clients don’t seem to support silencing individual folders well without hiding or unsubscribing the entire folder. My apologies if I’m missing something. If some option solved that, like the “DeltaChat” folder option, that would be helpful.

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As you seem to prefer to use Delta Chat and Thunderbird at the same time, you would have to find a way to silence the one or the other app to avoid getting two different notifications for each unread email.

Here is a video tutorial on how notifications can be turned off in Thunderbird:

Thunderbird apparently can’t do it per folder, sorry for being unclear.

You may want to search for a Thunderbird add-on to achieve that. I have read FiltaQuilla could do this, but I have not tested it.

I assume geary and others will be affected too. DeltaChat seems intended for this use case, so that’s why I brought it up.

I’m pretty sure you can ignore IMAP folders in thunderbird so that they won’t even show up in TB.

This is what unsubscribing means. You can right-click on the account, select “Subscribe…”, then unsubscribe from the DeltaChat folder and it disappears.

I would say the ability to “mute” folders without unsubscribing should be a feature request for Thunderbird, I don’t see what Delta Chat can do about it. Maybe use a different flag than \Seen, but many servers have a fixed set of flags available.


Can the other mail clients unsubscribe? What if the user still wants to passively browse?

I made the suggestion here that perhaps this mixed use should simply be openly advised against: The wording should probably recommend not to use the same account both for traditional e-mail and for DeltaChat at the same time · Issue #318 · deltachat/provider-db · GitHub

that, is then up to the user to select a better classic email client or to request the feature to the email client, or to not use Delta Chat together with another MUA in the same INBOX

it is recommended to have a dedicated account for Delta Chat, chatting by email is bound to be noisy and while there are hacks you could do that depend pretty much in server-side filter support and good MUA client