On Telegram, the deletion durations I’ve seen people use are usually either 3 months, 6 months, or 12 months. DeltaChat Desktop doesn’t offer any of these, which is also why I don’t currently use “Disappearing Messages” even though I would usually use them:
there is a similar request to add a “90 days” option at More options for disappearing messages - so, wondering if that would suffice your usecase and/or what your exact usecase is.
btw, “common choices” is nothing that seem to exist in that area, eg. telegram seems to lack options about deletion after “some hours”
I have a couple of people who won’t use anything but 12 months. It seems to be somewhat common.
What does “12 months” mean in Telegram? Is it 365 days or 360 days?
If we add “90 days” anyway, can probably add these as “180 days” and “360 days”, plus rename “5 weeks” to “35 days” and “1 week” to “7 days”.
So new options would be:
- After 1 minute
- After 5 minutes
- After 30 minutes
- After 1 hour
- After 1 day
- After 7 days
- After 35 days
- After 90 days
- After 180 days
- After 360 days
I can’t think of a reason why somebody picking roughly a year would be deeply invested in whether it’s 360 or 365 days, so I assume either will do the job.
We added “5 weeks” instead of “1 month” because for some user it was important that this duration exceeds 1 month when they are required to keep the data for at least a month. This is for some compliance reasons e.g. for doctor or lawyer interacting with customers, don’t know exactly.
Perhaps there could be an option to specify a custom amount of days then? That might be the best for the small subset of people that have very specific legal requirements. For the average user, I don’t think 360 vs 365 matters.
If some users have legal requirements and need to keep messages for at least a year for compliance reasons, and most users don’t think there is much difference between 360 vs 365 days, then maybe the simple solution is just make the “1 year” option 370 days. This will suffice for compliance reasons if minimum 1 year is required, this also covers leap years, and average users won’t think there is much difference between 360 vs 370 days