Verified group with far away members

how can I invite someone far away from my computer. He can’t scan the QR-code on my screen!
Same problem: how can I verify someone far away.

By the way: I started a verified group with 2 members without scanning the QR-code. And I can chat!
Thanks and greetings

one goal of the verified groups are the protection against active network attacs.

to reach this goal, each cryptographic setup of each member has to be verified with a second factor by at least one member, currently, this hast to be a qr-code-scan. maybe there will be other options in the future.

however, as said, this verification is not needed by every member - so in your case, maybe someone else can add the new member?

if this is not possible, you cannot add the member to the group as it is not guaranteed that the cryptographic setup is not compromised.

nb: as a workaround, i personally also managed to do a qr-code-scan during a video-conference, not sure, however, if that mitigates the seconds factor and may introduce new attac vectors.

if the members are already verified, this is on-purpose.

in general, please note, that, although already well-usable, verified groups are still in “experimental” state.

On the newer desktop versions you have also a text-code that you can send over a different transport/factor this code can be used in the desktop client to initiate the verification process.
Basically this code is the text content of the qr code.

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