Voice clip enhancements

Voice clips are a very important feature in the app. But I think there are some advantages already used in other messengers such as WhatsApp or Telegram and they are the following:

  1. When listening to a voice clip, when you bring the phone to your ear, it should be heard as a phone call, when removing it, listening to the speaker again is really comfortable. This can be done, I imagine, taking advantage of the proximity sensor that all mobiles bring to turn off the screen when it is worn to the ear and called.

  2. When multiple voice clips are received, it is very convenient that when you play one, the rest continue to be listened to in series. This way we avoid having to constantly play. It is very useful also in case you want to listen to the clips from the ear.

  3. It would be very convenient to also have information in the voice clips about the time that they last, or some information like the one that I show in the image, that allows us to identify them later. Well, when receiving several it is important to differentiate them.

This is all! Cheers!!!



all that features existed in the past but got removed, probably because they caused some issues/annoyances? I liked playing the clip as a phone call, despite it caused some annoyances in my old phone which didn’t have proximity sensor, it use the touch screen to detect when you put the phone in your face, so scrolling the chat while playing the voice message caused the screen to go black etc.

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all that features existed in the past but got removed, probably because they caused some issues/annoyances?

we did a complete rework of the ui which was shipped early 2019 - the rework was using the signal code as a base, therefore some features are gone - while others arise, see deltachat-android/CHANGELOG.md at feat/verified-1to1 · deltachat/deltachat-android · GitHub - most important new feature, however, was to get a maintainable code base.

since then, many features that were intially removed came back, eg. lately in-chat-search - and yes, i personally would also see the voice-message (and media!) player improved :slight_smile:


Hi. Is there anything planned to implement the ear/speaker feature? Signal has this so I suppose it should also be possible to have it in Delta? Thanks

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Yes please, this would be realy good, with this function I could make someone change their mind to use deltachat.

That’s exactly why I’m bringing this up. People tell me that this feature is essential for them and otherwise they prefer to use another messaging app. For me it’s doesn’t make sense but hey, it’s about getting as many people to use Delta, right?

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Yes I’m supporting this. Please delta.chat team could you activate this function.

One more guy here asking for the proximity sensor feature, please.

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I had noticed this too and yes, it would be a nice improvement.

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For point 1, the important thing is that you can disable this function because it is a nightmare when you have problems with the proximity sensor

this problems with the proximity sensor and user swiping/scrolling in the chat while listening to audio and then the screen going black was the exact reason that feature got removed, it was like that in the past

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