Windows Defender reports malware

when I try to install DeltaChat.Setup.0.840.0.fixed.exe on my Windows 8.1 (64-Bit) Computer, I get a warning:

that I should not install Delta Chat Desktop.
I searched in the issues and here in the forum but didn’t find anything about it.
What it this warning? Can I ignore it?
A friend told me that, I don’t know which Windows version he drives, but has also a Defender warning.
Thank for hint

EDIT: md5 of the DeltaChat.Setup.0.840.0.fixed.exe:

Same thing with DeltaChat.Portable.0.900.0.exe (md5: C2D414070D6B2ED5A716183CF3E40544)

We didn’t buy a certificate for signing yet.
That is what it warns you about.

Also welcome to the forum :smiley:

Ah, OK, Thanksy banksy :smile:
I didnt know this is just about some certificate. MS-Moneymaking I guess :grimacing:

I did install it nevertheless and all works finest.

Welcome to you too, thanks :smile:

Whether it might be “moneymaking” or not: It is very common that applications, including those which install one, are signed. (Otherwise you would receive such a notice much more often.)

Delta Chat is a very new application and in beta (developing) status at the moment. I am convinced that the makers will have the files signed as soon as the final version is ready.

Regards, Gerry

I still get the same kind of warning. Is this still normal?
How do I verify that the installer isn’t malware? Is there any signature that I can verify?

You can install DeltaChat from the microsoft app store. There you automatically get updates. Currently we don’t provide hashes of the files, but that would be neat to do :slight_smile:

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It never happened to me :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Downloading over HTTPS from is enough to make sure you are not installing something completely different.


That’s ironic given how end user windows largely behaves as malware per se.