Work on Modern UI

I love DC, It has Changed my Email reading experience, But sometimes it seems to me an outdated UI. Please work on modern ui, if possible add support for third party themes.

Hello :wave:,

What do you mean by that?
The UI of DC is similar to modern messengers like WhatsApp, Telegram, etc…

It is not even clear which OS are you talking about. Are you using DC on Android, iOS or Desktop? They all have different UIs.

You can develop your own theme or ask a designer friend to make it and put it in the appropriate folder and include it. I did just that, but it is not finished yet, and as soon as we finish it, we will ask you to include it in the distribution kit. I would say that there are no simple instructions on how to do this. The entry threshold needs to be reduced so that more people join the development.

Sorry, I’m writing through a translator :slight_smile:

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This does not mean that WhatsApp or Telegram have moden UI. It is all semi-web crap. I agree that DC needs native normal UI. It seems nowadays it is much more important the comfort of programmer than the end user (i.e. the programmer will use Electron/etc. and develop single web/js UI for all platforms).

desktop has that deltachat-desktop/docs/ at master · deltachat/deltachat-desktop · GitHub

you can inject a css file to change the theme.